On Friday October 18, 2024, there will be a Communal Celebration of the Anointing of the Sick at the 12:10PM Mass at St Joseph (610 6th St Gretna LA) in honor of St Luke, Patron Saint of Physicians. The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is both “a liturgical and a communal celebration.” In the family home, hospital, or church, members of the Body of Christ gather for the sacramental rite led by a priest. The Penitential Rite followed by the Liturgy of the Word and sacramental anointing of the sick can inspire and comfort both those who are ill and their family and friends who are gathered (CCC, nos. 1517-18). Many parishes have communal celebrations at which many persons receive the sacrament. These sacramental celebrations are a “source of strength amid pain and weakness, hope amid despair” and a “joyful encounter” for the entire community (Christifideles Laici, no. 54).